There is nothing more important than the truth! It can give you life and it can take it away quickly or slowly... but in the end I rather know the truth than live in a lie, better to suffer then to be condemn to illusion. In real life good doesn't always prevail and crime pays, sacrifices must be made in order to achieve our goals, we need to try and give our best, give all that we have and all that we don't have to get what we want. And if you can't always get what you want... you can get what you need! If you try, if you take the chance, live life in the present but don't be afraid to take a step towards your future, remember it starts today and not tomorrow! Even if tomorrow is uncertain, even if you're surrounded by nazis and bad thoughts remember... scissors beat paper every time, so go out side and take a chance, no regrets! Just say yes to what you want and no to what you don't, leave the maybes for another lifetime and stop wasting this one!
2 comentários:
E se... Mais vale arrepender do que se fez do viver o resto da vida pensando e se...
a verdade só existe enquanto acreditam nela. tu não existes se toda a gent acreditar nisso.
o holocausto só existe porque toda a gente acredita. e armas de destruição massiva no Iraque também eram verdade... A verdade depende do que nós acreditamos! E eu só acredito no poder de um gelado e dos hamburgers do Tê-bar!
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