As decisões na minha vida passam por mim, os erros são meus, os sucessos também...
30 de março de 2009
28 de março de 2009
Another month, another year will pass...
You keep me waiting
You keep me alone in a room full of friends
You keep me hating
You keep me listening to the Bends
No amount of pointless days
Can make this go away
You have me on my knees
You have me listless and deranged
You have me in your pocket
You have me distant and estranged
No narcotics in my brain
Can make this go away
I'm sorry that, I'm sorry that I'm not like you
I worry that I don't act the way you'd like me to
You find me wanting
You find me bloodless but inspired
You find me out
You find me hallucinating fire
No narcotics in my brain
Can make this go away
Have we ever been here before?
Running headlong at the floor
Leave me dreaming on a railway track
Wrap me up and send me back
27 de março de 2009
Also in the news


E mais? Por enquanto, kusturika, anathema, dream theatre, depeche mode e qualquer coisa mais que me apeteça... Como por exemplo yann tiersen no CCB, só tenho é de ir comprar os bilhetes. O de AC/DC continua uma incógnita, uma vez que me disseram que se via bem das bancadas -.-' Não me posso esquecer de marcar férias para a tomatina =)
mais uma noite no bairro

Claro que amanhã vou ter umas quantas pessoas a perguntar, mas que raio de post foi este ao que eu respondo: "yes we can" =) Talvez tenha vindo do mote da let down... e mais não digo, porque quem não conhece esta, não merece o ar que respira, tenho dito!
25 de março de 2009
23 de março de 2009
Testament, Megadeth, Judas Priest e ... Dazkarieh
A minha semana passado foi em altas, segunda-feira tive o jantar de anos de um "maricas" qualquer. Acabei a noite a beber kilkenny e com um chapéu da guiness na cabeça, afinal de conas era St. Patrick's day. Terça-feira foi sair a correr do trabalho para ir para o Priest Fest, acabei por não chegar a tempo de ver Testament, só lá cheguei às 20h30 :/ Mas vi Megadeth e Priest, grandes metaladas, mt cerveja (3 baldes para ser exacto) e boa disposição com os amigos.
Na quarta lá fui eu para o trabalho e como de habitual folheie o destak... na secção de arte, vinham a falar do concerto no São Jorge dos Dazkarieh. Já conhecia e resolvi por bem aventurar-me a ir, desta vez cheguei a tempo e o dinheiro que levei para bebidas gastei no cd. Sim fui sozinho, mas valeu bem a pena! =) Grande concerto, São Jorge cheio e a banda meia "aterrorizada" com tanta gente, digamos que proporcionou-se um bom ambiente e as 2 ovações de pé acho que ajudaram.
Deixo-vos aqui uma musiquita para apreciarem. Agora é esperar pelos próximos concertos... E sim como de costume quinta fui ao bairro! xD
Na quarta lá fui eu para o trabalho e como de habitual folheie o destak... na secção de arte, vinham a falar do concerto no São Jorge dos Dazkarieh. Já conhecia e resolvi por bem aventurar-me a ir, desta vez cheguei a tempo e o dinheiro que levei para bebidas gastei no cd. Sim fui sozinho, mas valeu bem a pena! =) Grande concerto, São Jorge cheio e a banda meia "aterrorizada" com tanta gente, digamos que proporcionou-se um bom ambiente e as 2 ovações de pé acho que ajudaram.
Deixo-vos aqui uma musiquita para apreciarem. Agora é esperar pelos próximos concertos... E sim como de costume quinta fui ao bairro! xD
12 de março de 2009
What have I been playing lately?
Utopians, Renegades and Bugs fight for complete domination across the Universe of Orion's Belt. You start with an account but you can have players in all 3 races, enhancing the game play even further. As you can see you'll not be alone in the universe:
Hundreds of players will join you in battle as you try to conquer more planets and discover the ends of the universe.
The universe view allows for a better notion of were the hell your ships and planets are in clear contrast with other games.
In terms of "economy" management, you have a private zone with 5 planets, which is the only place were you can build ships, and up to 8 planets in the hot zone.
So unlike other games you can conquer other players planets (hot zone) and really put them in arms away, why? Simple! You have two types of resources, intrinsic and rare, the intrinsic can be made in your private zone whereas the rare in your hot zone, so if you lose your planets no more rare resources for you.
"Ya economy looks nice, but so does every other game!", ok I can relate to this, but where Orion's Belt really shines is in battles! In other games battles are simulated, here battles are fought in a "chessy" way, it does what Total Series did for RTS games, deliveres true skill to battles. Here you can see the board:
This the image of a regicide battle (kill the flag aka king), the player used his light ships to win when he was clearly out gunned. You also have Total Annihilation mode.
So battles really shine in this game. You also have alliances, ultimate weapons and units, an auction house, universe markets, universe wormholes, arenas, academies, pirate bays... Which brings me to the professions, a player has a profession status that is changed accourdingly to his actions in game, so if you spend most of your time raiding people your clearly a PIRATE! =)
Another point is that time is relatively continuous, it works in "ticks" of 10 minutes, which allows you some free time so you don't become a NOLIFER aka wow/ogame player (just can't keep away from the wow slang). Now, more eye candy:
The game has a manual and an active community, it's pretty easy to get in touch with the devs, this makes your opinions and statements matter. Another great point is that this game has tournaments! Yest this means you'll be entering real competition in terms of battles and you can also have 2 vs 2 battles, as I said before battles really shine in this game. If you like browser games give it a try, I can help if you have any doubts. Now some links:

The universe view allows for a better notion of were the hell your ships and planets are in clear contrast with other games.
In terms of "economy" management, you have a private zone with 5 planets, which is the only place were you can build ships, and up to 8 planets in the hot zone.
So unlike other games you can conquer other players planets (hot zone) and really put them in arms away, why? Simple! You have two types of resources, intrinsic and rare, the intrinsic can be made in your private zone whereas the rare in your hot zone, so if you lose your planets no more rare resources for you.
"Ya economy looks nice, but so does every other game!", ok I can relate to this, but where Orion's Belt really shines is in battles! In other games battles are simulated, here battles are fought in a "chessy" way, it does what Total Series did for RTS games, deliveres true skill to battles. Here you can see the board:

So battles really shine in this game. You also have alliances, ultimate weapons and units, an auction house, universe markets, universe wormholes, arenas, academies, pirate bays... Which brings me to the professions, a player has a profession status that is changed accourdingly to his actions in game, so if you spend most of your time raiding people your clearly a PIRATE! =)
Another point is that time is relatively continuous, it works in "ticks" of 10 minutes, which allows you some free time so you don't become a NOLIFER aka wow/ogame player (just can't keep away from the wow slang). Now, more eye candy:

11 de março de 2009
Office vs Open Office
Um paste no Office:
Um paste no Open Office:
O original é uma tabela numa página web, aproveitamos para dizer que o Open Office é completamente livre! O resto é conversa.
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